Thursday, August 4, 2011


The Autobots are one of the primary factions in the Transformers mythos. They usually find themselves defending both their own race and other species against the Decepticons and upholding justice and freedom throughout the galaxy.
They are considered "the good guys" in most, but not all Transformers stories.
A generally heroic and honorable group, they tend to be dedicated to peace, and feel a need to protect other races from the Decepticons. As a result they are usually Transformers who change into non-combat oriented alternate modes such as domestic vehicles, cars, trucks, or rescue vehicles. This is not always the case, however, as their ranks certainly contain ne'er-do-wells, malcontents, and unsavory types, and the necessities of war have led many to adopt more combat-oriented alternate forms. While the Autobots have usually found themselves outnumbered by the Decepticons, the Autobots have always had home-field advantage, having not only the humans' military support, but also having more places on Earth to fall back on, while the Decepticons are entirely unwelcome on Earth.
Key concepts that repeat throughout most continuities are the use of the name Prime (or a variation thereof) to denote Autobot leadership, and the existence of an artifact of great life-giving power, usually referred to as a "Matrix", traditionally held by their leader.

Optimus Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. Prime is the leader of the Autobots, a faction of heroic Transformers from the planet Cybertron who wage their battles to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. He is depicted as a brave, powerful, wise and compassionate character who puts all his talent to use to improve the universe around him. Optimus is portrayed as having a strong sense of justice and righteousness, and has dedicated himself to the protection of all life, particularly the inhabitants of Earth; he will battle his foes with unyielding resolve.


Bumblebee (known as Bumble in Japan, Moscardo in Portugal, Űrdongó in Hungary, Maggiolino in Italy) is the "little brother" of the heroic or protagonistic Autobot faction and a mascot, constantly striving to prove himself in the eyes of the other robots - especially his leader, Optimus Prime. This often causes him to take risks that put him in danger. Although a bit of a wise-cracker, he is a capable and reliable messenger and spy, his small size allowing him to go places that his larger commanders cannot. He is highly fuel efficient, has great visual acuity, is particularly adaptable to undersea environments and transforms into a Volkswagen Beetle. He was later reconstructed in a stronger, more mature form as Goldbug.
Bumblebee is established as the smallest of the first year Autobots, but his actual size varies greatly in the various media, ranging from the same size as other Autobot cars to barely taller than a human. His only official height was in an early issue of the Marvel comics where it is stated he is 15 feet tall


Reliability is the keyword that can be used to describe the oldest of the Autobots, Ironhide. Having travelled across the universe hundreds of times over the times, the Autobots' weapon specialist is probably the most battle-worn and it is most evident in his war-torn body. With shrapnel all-over his body as a result from hundreds of battles, right-hip bypassed uncountable times, his timing system and power core are irregular but his optics are the sharpest and most effective ever on Cybertron
Among his favourite sayings are “I grind Decepticons into garbage any way I can" , “High tech circuitry is no replacement for guts", "Slow is as slow does" and  "Being fast is an asset, but nothing replaces guts!" which refers to his his slow speed – the slowest of the Autobots in fact. His slowness is, however compensated by his skin which is made of special kind of steel. With this, most forms of attacks are harmless to him, making him the least vulnerable of all the Autobots.

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